A Few Important Reminders When Choosing Glass Pool Fencing

A Few Important Reminders When Choosing Glass Pool Fencing

20 April 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Glass pool fencing is a favourite choice for many homeowners. It's very neutral in design, so it will work with any type of patio furniture or decking and won't interfere or clash with your outdoor landscaping. When choosing pool fencing, you may have more style options than you realize, so note a few important reminders regarding the details and features of this type of fence, and this will help you to choose the right option for your home.

Framed or frameless

The obvious advantage of frameless glass fencing is that the panels then become virtually invisible, so the fence doesn't interfere with your view. That being said, a nearly invisible fence may not actually be what you want. If you hire a landscaping company to mow your lawn, as an example, they may be more likely to run into the fence with a mower or weed trimmer, simply because they can't see it clearly! A nearly invisible fence might also be a bit boring, whereas frames allows you to bring a metallic element into the backyard, making the fence stand out.

Gaps between panels

If you choose a frameless fence, you can often have the panels set apart just slightly, so that there are gaps between them. This can allow debris to blow through the fence, so that it doesn't pile up on one side, something to consider if you live in an area with high winds and where litter is not uncommon. However, you also want to note if gaps between panels would tempt children to slide fingers and hands between those panels. Local regulations might stipulate that the panels be so far apart that a child's hand won't get stuck, but you may still not want to risk this happening or give a child any reason to play around the fence, so panels that sit flush and close together might then be a good choice for your home.


Local building regulations often stipulate the height of any pool fence, and this minimum height may leave a bit of room for you to talk over the fence. However, this may be something you actually want to avoid, if you have neighbours who are always asking to use the pool or who interrupt you when you're entertaining or relaxing. A fence that is too tall to stand over can add more division between you and the neighbours, while also blocking more noise from both inside and outside the pool area, making it more comfortable for you and for those neighbours!